Switchin’ it up!



My March Challenge is only 5 days in and I am already seeing the huge difference it is making in my life. I have more patience for my kids, feel proud of myself for making the effort and making me more aware of what my body wants and needs. Somehow I was not really listening to that little voice up until now. Yes, I have been feeding my body the foods it needs to stay healthy, but not moving it the way it needed. Today, it was screaming, “Rest your legs!!”. I listened and decided to do some work on the weakest parts of my body, my arms and back.

So instead of fast walking at the mall, I decided to unearth my resistance bands form the downstairs closet. I’m so glad I did. My back was tight and my arms started to shake after just a few tricep curls, but that’s how I know the muscles needed the attention. Thanks, body for speaking up. A big shout out to my brain for paying attention!!

What is your body trying to tell you today?

When and Where?

Another way that I am preparing for my March Challenge is by pinpointing just where and when all this exercise is going to be happening. So far this is my weekly fitness schedule.

Monday     Tuesday     Wednesday   Thursday     Friday     Saturday    Sunday

9am             10am            9am                  7pm               9am           11am             10am

Mall Walk    Just Dance    Mall Walk        Y w/friend    Mall Walk  Dance Party  Yoga/lululemon

This weekend (the first of the challenge) I will be in NYC for a 2 day conference for school. Therefore the dance party and yoga will be replaced by walking to and from Lincoln Center from the Port Authority bus terminal. I’m also leaving things open a bit to switch up what form of exercise I’ll be doing each day depending on my mood. How are you fitting your goal into your schedule?

In preparation

I’m getting ready for next month’s challenge by narrowing down exactly which exercises will fit in to my schedule. I’ve come up with some good possibilities that I think I will enjoy.

1. Fast walking at the mall in the morning while pushing the stroller.

2. Dance parties with the kids after school.

3. Yoga

4. Joining a friend at the Y, using some of her guest passes.

I’ve got the beginnings of a good list. I just need to fill in a couple of blanks and then actually find openings in my schedule for them.

What ways can you work your March Challenge in to your life?